Monday, July 20, 2009

Custom G.I. Joe RESOLUTE Storm Shadow

So here is Storm Shadow from G.I. Joe Resolute. This was another commission piece for a guy that didn't want Snake Eyes to get lonely.

Comic Pack Storm Shadow head
Marvel Universe Ronin upper torso
Resolute Storm Shadow lower torso
Dreadnok Ripper arms
Clone Wars Trooper hands
Dragon Ball Evolution Piccolo waist/legs
Ninja Apprentice Snake Eyes Lower Legs/ feet
Comic Pack Storm Shadow swords/backpack;Mercenary Wraith backpack
DC Universe Green Arrow compound bow
Marvel Universe Ms. Marvel belt.

Oh yeah, I HATE working with white...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Custom G.I. Joe RESOLUTE Snake Eyes

Here is everybody's favorite silent Ninja from G.I. Joe: RESOLUTE, Snake Eyes! He is actually a commission piece done for someone on Since I had already done Snake Eyes in 5" scale, this one was pretty easy to do since I was already familiar with the elements involved. Now, I can't let ol' Snake Eyes get lonely, can I...